Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how we collect, process, use, and share your personal information when you download and use our astrology application and related services. Using our Products, you agree to collect and use your personal data as outlined in this Policy.

1. Controller’s Name and Contact Details
The data controller for our astrology application is:
"ANI AVETISYAN GEVORGI" Individual entrepreneur
8, Nubarashen 5/3, Yerevan, 0020, Armenia
Phone: +37495085737

2. Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)
For questions regarding this Policy, our data practices, or our compliance with applicable laws, please get in touch with our Data Protection Officer at:

3. General Information
We process Personal Data only when necessary for the performance of a contract with you, compliance with a legal obligation, or based on our legitimate interests, except where your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms override such interests.

4. Preferences
You can manage your data preferences using our Account Management tool. This tool allows you to control the use of your Personal Data, including opting out of marketing communications, accessing your personal data, and deleting your Account.

5. Protection of Information
We maintain reasonable and appropriate security safeguards to protect your information from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

6. Processing by Third Parties
We may share Personal Data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, vendors, or agents working on our behalf, ensuring compliance with data privacy and security requirements. Any third party must adhere to our data privacy and security standards.

7. Children’s Privacy
We recognize our special obligation to protect personal information obtained from children. We do not knowingly collect or process Personal Data from any child without parental consent. If you believe we have collected your child’s information without consent, please get in touch with us.

8. Data Retention
We retain most of your personal data collected and processed for the purposes described in this policy as long as you continue to use our products. We will delete your Personal Data upon request, subject to applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

9. Information Collection
We collect Personal Data directly from you and indirectly through interactions with our Products. This includes account data, content data, personal contacts data, and voluntarily provided information such as users' birth dates and astrological preferences.

10. Use of Your Information
We process your Personal Data to perform the contract with you, communicate with you, provide support, and arrange related services such as personalized astrology readings and horoscopes based on your birth date and astrological preferences.

11. Communication Purposes
We may use your Personal Data for marketing purposes, including sending personalized emails, messages, and in-app offers about astrology-related content and services.

12. In-App Offers
We use App-Related Information to send personalized in-app offers based on user behavior patterns, including astrology-related predictions and insights.

13. Sharing of Information
We may share your Personal Data with third parties for specified purposes, ensuring compliance with data protection standards, including astrology-related content and services.

14. User Rights
You have the right to access, rectify, and erase your Personal Data and to know and delete specific information collected. You can exercise these rights through our Account Management tool or by contacting us.

15. Updates
We may update this Privacy Policy periodically for various reasons and will provide notice of material changes. Continued use of our Products after such changes signifies your acceptance of the updated Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data practices, please get in touch with us at the email address.